Roy Kidd
Photo Gallery
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Standing (L-R) Lycourgos Petrou, Roy Kidd, seated (L-R) Archie Simeone, Wilbur Pommerening - England - 1944

B-Battery 319th Field Artillery Battalion Group Photo - Camp Claiborne - May 1942
Glider flight manifest; D-Day Normandy invasion June 6, 1944, listing Roy J. Kidd, other soldiers, Jeep, Trailer, Rocket Launchers & miscellaneous equipment.
Company Morning Report of October 22, 1943, awarding Corporal Roy Kidd the Purple Heart for wounds received in action during combat in the “Chiunzi Pass” on September 20, 1943
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STL Archive Records
Roy Kidd, 68, died December 5, 1978. God bless this hero.