Lycourgos Petrou
Tec 5 Lycourgos Petrou standing left
Petrou, Lycourgos, T-5: BSM, GO 112, 1945.
31274918, T5, for heroic conduct in action on 4 November, 1944 near censored Holland. T5 Petrou, forward radio operator, went well beyond friendly lines until he found a good point of observation and successfully directed his artillery, causeing heavy casualties upon enemy personel entrenched on a dyke. T5 Petrou repeated this action on numerous occasions with such fearlessness that the enemy was forced to occupy the dyke with a minimum number of personel. T5 Petrou’s courage and devotion to duty reflect credit upon himself and the traditions of the service. Entered Military service from Hartford, Connecticut.
This soldier was wounded during the glide into Normandy, June 6, 1944. The hospital admission record indicates he was wounded, or had a friction burn to his face. He recovered and returned to his company-B-Battery. He glided into Holland and received the bronze star for courageous action on November 4, 1944.
He was a High Point soldier and returned to the United States September 14, 1945. He separated from the service at Camp, Miles Standish in Massachusetts.