Operation Holland
The following are the declassified official records of the 319th Glider Field Artillery battalion history for Operation Holland or “Market Garden,” September 13, 1944 to October 16, 1944, the HQ battalion C47/Glider loading plans and plane manifests of the 82nd Airborne Company “B” 307th Airborne Engineers.
(Click on tabs below to access each section of the report)
Battalion History & Enclosures
September 13, 1944 - October 16, 1944
(see below presented by date in a slideshow fashion - side controls to the next or previous image)

Unit Journal
September 17, 1944 - October 16, 1944
(see below presented by date in a slideshow fashion - side controls to the next or previous image)

S-3 Firing Report
September 18, 1944 -October 16, 1944
(see below presented by date in a slideshow fashion - side controls to the next or previous image)