“Men fought, at times with only rifles, grenades and knives against German armor, in waist deep snow, blizzards, near zero temperatures and held against the best enemy divisions.”
— James M Gavin, Major General, USA Commanding
The following is the official Historical Record of the 82nd Airborne in the Belgian Bulge, Siegfried Line, and of the Roer River - The official declassified Unit History and Journal, S-3 Firing Report, After-Action Reports and Belgium Battle Maps.
(Click on tabs below to access each section of the report)
“Division Commander’s Report”
(see below presented by date in a slideshow fashion - side controls to the next or previous image)

Unit History, Journal, S-3 Firing Reports and Messages 12/17/44 - 12/31/44
(see below presented by date in a slideshow fashion - side controls to the next or previous image)

Unit History, Journal, S-3 Firing Reports and Messages 1/1/45 - 1/31/45
(see below presented by date in a slideshow fashion - side controls to the next or previous image)

See summary below in bullet point format of the above January 1945 journal and history
New Year Begins in Froidville, Belgium - January 1, 1945
Corps Serenade marks the start of the New Year.
Major General James M. Gavin presents Silver Stars to Captain John R. Manning, Captain Charles L. Sartain, Jr., and Lieutenant John D. Gutshall for gallantry in action during the Holland campaign.
The ceremony attended by General Francis A. March, Commanding General, Division Artillery, Battalion Staff Officers, and Battery Commanders.
Later in the day, Colonel Roy D. Lindquist, C.O. of the 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, visited the Battalion CP and inspected the gun positions.
Effective defensive and harassing fires.
An enlisted man's furlough win.
New Year Turkey Ration - January 2, 1945
Despite being one day late, the turkey dinner was appreciated.
Increased Armored Activity - January 3, 1945
Notable increase in armored activity in the area.
Alert for Forward Reconnaissance - January 4, 1945
The battalion alerted for a forward reconnaissance for new positions.
Reconnaissance and Alert for Displacement - January 5, 1945
Reconnaissance made, and the battalion alerted for displacement.
Enemy Artillery Fire and Displacement - January 6, 1945
Advanced detail drew heavy enemy artillery fire during preparation for positions.
Displacement to the area near Fosse began.
Liaison Officers Report - January 7, 1945
Liaison Officers reported to the CP from the 591st and 275th Field Artillery Battalions.
Completion of displacement.
Reconnaissance for Forward Positions - January 8, 1945
Reconnaissance for forward positions.
Reconnaissance of Battalion Rest Area - January 9, 1945
A party left for a reconnaissance of a battalion rest area.
Relief and Move to Rest Area - January 10, 1945
The battalion executive officer took parties to occupy the selected rest area.
Relief completed by elements of the 75th Division Artillery.
Movement to the rest area near Spa, Belgium.
Care of Equipment and Material - January 12, 1945
Devoted to the care of sectional and personal equipment and material.
Class "B" rations were drawn.
Reconnaissance Party Visits 7th Armored Division Artillery - January 16, 1945
Battalion reconnaissance party visits the 7th Armored Division Artillery near Waimes, Belgium.
Special Service movies and mail delivery.
Reconnaissance Party for Battalion Positions - January 20, 1945
Reconnaissance party went forward to select battalion positions in the vicinity of Montenau, Belgium.
Suspected Civilians Checked - January 22, 1945
Civilians in the area checked by the Divisional CIC Officer due to suspicions.
Battery "B" moved to high ground.
Preparations for Relief and Return to Rest Area - January 23, 1945
Preparations for relief and the return to the rest area.
Settling Down for Rest - January 24, 1945
Troops settle down for another rest.
Good mail delivery and a Special Service movie.
Rest Interrupted - January 25, 1945
The battalion is alerted for combat again.
Division Field Order Received - January 26, 1945
Division Field Order for the operation received.
Assault Gun Platoon of the 740th Tank Battalion attached to the 319th as Battery "C".
Movement to New Position Area - January 27, 1945
The battalion moved to the new position area near Wallerode, Belgium.
Counterattack and Relocation - January 29, 1945
Sharp enemy counterattack consisting of seven tanks and about two hundred and fifty infantrymen.
The battalion was closed in the Honsfeld area.
Infantry Counterattack - January 31, 1945
The infantry received a sharp counterattack.
Battery "C" remained in position to deliver fire while A and B Batteries, plus all of Hq Battery, except a skeleton Fire Direction Center, displaced forward.
Counterattack broken up by artillery fire.
All guns of the battalion were in position, hammering at the defense of the Siegfried line.
Unit History And Journal 2/1/45 - 2/23/45
(see below presented by date in a slideshow fashion - side controls to the next or previous image)

S-3 Firing Reports 2/1/45 - 2/18/45

After-Action Reports
December 1944 / January 1945 / February 1945