Operation Neptune

The following is a post-WWII historical narrative on the 82nd Airborne Division’s involvement in Operation Neptune, the codename for the Naval phase of the Allied Invasion of Normandy, June 6, 1944 to July 8, 1944.

It describes in great detail the operation, distribution of troops and recreations of maps with troop locations and movements. Analysis of casualty reports, names of leaders and their units, parachute drops, glider take-off fields, glider landings and D-Day to D+33 battle maps.

It features a detailed timeline of the invasion, (see below) as well as the individual units, and a breakdown on what elements were attached.

419 original copies of this confidential report were distributed to include Generals Eisenhower, Marshall, Bradley, Ridgeway, Gavin, March, Eaton and others.

(Click on tabs below to access each section of the report)


(see below presented by date in a slideshow fashion - side controls to the next or previous image)


Courtesy of the family of Lt. George Cole


Narrative - Action in Normandy

June - July 1944

(see below presented by date in a slideshow fashion - side controls to the next or previous image)


Annexes - Action in Normandy

Personnel, Casualties, Air movement Tables, Drop Patterns and Glider Landings

June - July 1944


Parachute Drops, Glider Take-Off Fields, Glider Landings, D-Day to D+33 Battle Maps

Parachute Drops

D-Day Parachute and Glider Take-Off Fields

D-Day Glider Landing Patterns - June 6-7, 1944

Division personnel of glider landings 82nd Airborne Division June 6-7,1944

CG4A Gliders - Sheet 2

82nd Airborne - Normandy - D-Day to D+2

82nd Airborne - Normandy - D+3 to D+6

82nd Airborne - Normandy - D+7 (June 13, 1944)

82nd Airborne - Normandy - D+8 to D+12

82nd Airborne - Normandy - D+13 to D+18

82nd Airborne - Normandy - D+25 to D+33