Kenneth H. Johnson
Photo Gallery
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Above photos courtesy of the Kenneth Johnson and John Pachmayer families
Standing (L-R) Kenneth Johnson, David Helfond, Robert Klock, kneeling (L-R) John Manganello, Bernard Tansky and Donald Silfies on furlough August 1944 - Shakespeare Garden - Stratford-upon-Avon, England
Standing (L-R) Donald Silfies, Bernard Tansky, David Helfond, John Manganello, Kenneth Johnson, Robert Klock -on furlough August 1944 - Shakespeare Garden - Stratford-upon-Avon, England
Post-war photos below
B-Battery friends for life, “all the way.” Donald Rose (L-R), Ken Johnson, Durand Rose
Above photos courtesy of the Kenneth Johnson, Bernard Tansky and Myron Lepkowski families
STL Archive Records
Kenneth H. Johnson, 91, died June 21, 2007. God bless this hero.