Donald Rose
Service Record
Name: Donald Rose
Date of Birth: 29 JUL 25
Place of Birth: Wood Stock, NY
Permanent Address: BEARSVILLE, NY
Occupation: Student Manual Arts
Main Occupation: Student in Manual Arts. Completed a year of High School course in general shop, woodworking, cabinet making, metal shop, general math, English, history, mechanics, drawing, and science.
Military History:
Service Number: ASN 32945631
Military Qualification: Assistant Gunner
Military Occupation Specialty (MOS): Asst. Gunner
Grade and Organization: 2nd Lt FA
Army in Action Course Completed: 170 UN 77
Action: Combat Glider Landing in action near Nijmegen, Holland from 18 SEP 44 to 11 NOV 44 inclusive. Also, in action near Cologne, Germany from 2 Apr 45 to 28 Apr 45.
Service Records:
Date of Induction: October 4, 1943
Date of Enlistment:October 25, 1943
Place of Entry into Service: Albany, New York
Service Outside Continental U.S. and Return:
Departure: 17 MAY 44, Destination: ETO
Arrival: 29 DEC 45, Destination: USA
Glider Flights:
Dates: Training - March 1945, May 1945, June 1945 (3).
Honorable Discharge Record:
Last Name: ROSE
First Name: DONALD
Date of Birth: 29 JUL 25
Reason for Separation: DISCH
Date of Separation: 17 JAN 46
Army Serial Number: 32945651
Awards, Decorations, and Campaigns:
Campaigns: Rhineland, Central Europe, Normandy
Decorations and Citations: European-African-Middle Eastern Service Medal, World War II Victory Medal
He served in the 319th Glider Field Artillery Battalion.
He was honorably discharged on January 47, 1946, at the separation center in Fort Dix, NJ.
He completed a high school course in various subjects such as manual arts, woodworking, metalshop, math, English, history, mechanics, and drawing.
He participated in glider flights as an essential part of his military duty and training for combat missions.
Donald Rose completed a combat glider landing in Holland from September 18, 1944, to November 11, 1944.
He also served in Germany from April 2, 1945, to April 28, 1945, and participated in the occupation of the Cologne sector from April 29, 1945, to June 3, 1945.
He was awarded the European-African-Middle Eastern Service Medal and the World War II Victory Medal.
There is no mention of any wounds received in action.
Army Serial Number: 32945631
Grade: PFC (Private First Class)
Arm or Service: FA AUS (Field Artillery, Army of the United States)
Organization: B 319th Glider FA BN (B Battery, 319th Glider Field Artillery Battalion)
Date of Separation: January 47, 1946
Place of Separation: Separation Center, Fort Dix, NJ
Permanent Address for Mailing Purposes: Bearsville, NY
Place of Birth: Woodstock, NY
Arrived in France on November 14th
Departed France on November 16th
Arrived in Belgium on December 19th
Departed Belgium on February 9th
Arrived in Germany on February 9th
Departed Germany on February 19th
Arrived in Belgium on February 19th
Departed Belgium on February 21st
Arrived in France on February 21st
Departed France on April 2nd
Arrived in Germany on April 2nd
Departed Germany on June 4th
Arrived in France on June 6th
Departed ETO December 29, 1945.
Link to 319 News
Photo Gallery
(slideshow, side controls to next image)

B-Battery Machine Gun & Ammo Section/Chief of Section - Donald Rose, middle row 2nd soldier from left
Photo Taken June 20, 1945, Epinal, France
Photos courtesy of the families of Donald & Durand Rose, Kenneth Johnson and the 82nd Airborne War Memorial Museum
STL Archive Records
Donald Rose, 90, died February 3, 2016. God bless this hero.