Ralph Wade
ASN: 35137014
Ralph William Wade registered for the draft on October 16, 1940. Born October 21, 1913, he was from Ross, Ohio, and employed as a teacher at Southwestern High School.
Enlisting in the US Army at Fort Thomas Newport, Kentucky on March 28, 1942, he completed his training at Camp Claiborne, Louisiana and later at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
Ralph Wade became a member of the 319th Field Artillery, A-Battery of the 82nd Airborne Division, and promoted to the rank of Sergeant.
Sgt. Wade traveled with the battalion to North Africa arriving in Casablanca May 10, 1943. He fought in the major campaigns of Sicily, Naples-Foggia, and Normandy.
SGT Ralph Wade was killed in action the evening of June 6, 1944, along with PFC Jasper Elswick and PFC James Waters, during the Mission Elmira glider landings near Sainte Mere Eglise, France.
His service was awarded with the Good Conduct Medal, Distinguished Merit Badge, European/African Middle Eastern Service Medal, three Bronze Battle Stars, Bronze Arrowhead, Glider Badge, World War II Victory Medal and the Purple Heart.
Ralph Wade was laid to rest at the Londonderry Cemetery, Ross County, Ohio.
“God bless this hero”
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C-Battery 319th Field Artillery Battalion 82nd Division - Camp Claiborne - May 1942