Morrell Atkins
August 25, 1943, - Cpl Morrell Atkins, 14099557, Sk Qrs to abs sk 53rd Sta Hosp LD at 1400.
- Cpl Morrell Atkins, 14099557, Hosp to dy Sept 26th, 1943 (abs sk).
- Cpl Morrell Atkins, 1409957 and Cpl Ernest P. Raulerson, 14081153 Fr ab sk Hosp to ab sk 118th Sta Hosp the 22nd. October 22, 1943.

B-Battery 319th Field Artillery, 82nd Division, Camp Claiborne, May 1942
Corporal Morrell Atkins - Camp Claiborne - 1942
Corporal Morrell Atkins - Camp Claiborne - 1942
Photos courtesy of the William Kick family