Milton Chadwick
Chadwick, Milton E., Sgt.: BSM, GO 15, 1945.
35290784. Sergeant, for heroic conduct in action on 18 September, 19944, near censored, Holland. Sergeant Chadwick, after his glider had landed in enemy territory under small arms and mortar fire, directed the men of his section through hostile lines to a place of safety. He then obtained a quarter ton truck for use as a prime mover and disregarding his personal safety, went back through the lines to his glider, unloaded the howitzer and equipment from the glider and brought it through the lines without losing a man from his section. During the entire time he was subjected to constant and heavy enemy small arms and mortar fire. His courage under fire was an example and an inspiration to the men under his command. He, at all times, demonstrated the coolness and courage exemplifying the best traditions of the service. Entered military service from Upper Sandusky, Ohio.
319th HQ Battery photo - June 1945 - Epinal, France