Elza Wyatt


coming soon

Morning reports - 319th Glider Field Artillery Battalion - see below

MOS 345 - Truck driver light trucks

October 17, 1943,-       Ziska, Victor J. Pvt, 35289556, Wyatt, Elza L. Pfc, 35136969. The above 2 EM fr duty to SD 320th Glider FA Bn 1115, the 13th.

Octobert 17, 1943, -       PFC Elza L. Wyatt, 35136969 and Pvt Victor Zisk, 35289556, Above 2 EM atchd & jd fr Btry A & C Respectively 319th FA Bn for qrs, Rations & Dy as of Oct 14/43

October 21, 1943, -       Carter, Paul F. Cpl, 35110936, Hubbard, Rufus, D. Pfc, 35425075, Vandall, Julius C. Pfc, 35425249, The above 3 EM fr duty to TD 82D A/B Div the 20th, Wyatt, Elza L. Pfc, 35136969

Pfc Elza L. Wyatt, 35136969, Fr DS 320th Glider FA Bn to A-Battery, 319th GFAB, 1830. November 1, 1943.

February 8th, 1944,     Record of Events: Btry took road march from 0800 to 0900.  Balance of day spent in preparations for move to new Sta.  Morale excellent. 

Pfc Earl W. Lytle, Jr., 35500093, Pfc Elza L. Wyatt, 35136969, Pvt Flavious B. Carney, 35136721 Fr fur (5 days).

March 15, 1944, A-Battery 319th -  Pfc Robert W. Smith, 36629236, Pfc Elza L. Wyatt, 35136969, Pvt Francis D. Dilley, 36623399, Pvt Anthony J. DiNoia, 12145702, Pvt John C. Orrell, 36629017, Pvt Gustave E. Pusateri, 36629275, Pvt Jack D. Sharff, 36175528, Pvt John W. Speelman, 35290535 and Pvt Arnold (NMI) Tucknott, 36625664, the above 9 EM Fr dy to det service for 2 weeks with the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment at Ashwell, England at 1300. 

March 29, 1944,-  Pfc Robert W. Smith, 36629236, Pfc Elza L. Wyatt, 35136969, Pvt Francis D. Dilley, 36628899, Pvt Anthony J. DiNois, 12149702, Pvt John O. Orrell, 36629017, Pvt. Gustavo E. Pusateri, 36629275, Pvt Jack D. Sharff, 36175528, Pvt John W. Speelman, 35290535 and Pvt Arnold (NMI) Tucknott, 36628664, the above 9 EM fr DS for 2 weeks with 505th Prcht Inf Regt at Ashwell, England to duty 1930.

April 3, 1944, -  Pfc Robert W. Smith, 36629236, Pvt Francis D. Dilley, 36628899, Pfc Elza L. Wyatt, 35136969, Pvt Anthony J. DiNois, 12140702, Pvt John O. Orrell, 36629017, Pvt Gustavo E. Pusateri, 36629275, Pvt Jack D. sharff, 36175528 and Pvt Arnold (NMI) Tucknott, 36628664 the above 8 EM fr duty to trfd to 456th Prcht F.A. Bn., APO 469, U. S. Army, 1630.

Morning reports - 456th Parachute Battalion - see below

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