Edward Spencer


enlistment March 27, 1942, Madison, Wisconsin

Camp Claiborne, Fort Bragg

MOS 844 (Gun Crewman Light Artillery)

MOS 539 (Glider Mechanic)


Battles all 6

Dates; Departed US April 29, 1943, Arrived MTO May 10, 1943, Departed ETO September 6, 1945

Arrived US September 14, 1945

Status A-Battery Honorable……

Decorations; all normal including Belgian and WWII Vict….

Separation; September 21, 1945, Fort Sheridan, Illinois

Photo Gallery

Corporal Edward Spencer (standing 4th from the left) - Epinal, France - June 1945

319th Glider Field Artillery Battalion 82nd Airborne Division - Epinal, France - June 1945

STL Archive Records

Edward Spencer, 69, died April 7, 1982. God bless this hero.