Carlin Snyder
October 20th 1943
- 1st Lt. Benjamin L. Fitzgerald from MIA to KIA as of October 6th ‘43 about 1700.
- CPL Morrell Atkins from duty to absent sick 95th EH to line of duty.
- Pvt. Carlin Snyder from duty to absent sick 95th EH to line of duty.
C battery group photo
arrived US March 21, 1944
C W Edgewood; The number of soldiers subjected to chemical weapons tests between 1942–1975 is estimated at 60,000. The exact number may never be known because the Army did not maintain medical records of soldiers in the experiments. A federal lawsuit filed in California by veterans who suffered harm from the experiments alleges that 100,000 service persons were subjected to chemical or biological experiments without their informed consent (Quillin. Military News, 2012). Neither the sailors nor soldiers were told that they would be exposed to toxic gasses in a “gas chamber,” nor were they informed about the health risks.