Bernard Tansky



(Published in General Orders No. 35, Hq 82nd Abn Division, July 15, 1944)


BERNARD B. TANSKY, 35043626, Corporal, 319th Glider Field Artillery Battalion. For heroic conduct in action on June 19, 1944, in the vicinity of VINDEFONTAINE, FRANCE.

Corporal TANSKY, while serving as a forward observer, directed the artillery fire of his battalion and maintained radio communications, under constant enemy shelling and small arms fire. Despite enemy mortar and automatic weapons fire, he stayed with the advanced elements of the attacking infantry to direct artillery fire where it was needed, thereby greatly assisting the infantry to accomplish their mission. At the river crossing he waded the stream and carried his communications equipment in order to stay with the attacking elements. His knowledge of artillery, together with his bravery and coolness under fire, was an example and an inspiration to the men working with him. Entered military service from CLEVELAND, OHIO.




82nd Airborne Division Association

Chicago, Illinois


Dear Fellow-Troopers,

Three thousand two hundred and twenty-eight of your buddies gave their lives, fighting with the 82nd. I am one of them. I was separated from one of my dog-tags on the main drag in Mook, on the memorable September afternoon that you must remember. I am at rest in a pretty little place called Molenhoeck, with six hundred other guys whom you left here in Holland.

Those of you who were left to walk down Fifth Avenue behind General “Jim”, are disturbing our sleep. Mostly, I think, because you are letting our Division Association slip. The same Association, if you remember, for which we all kicked in ten bucks to get started; so that we could stay together after the war; so that we could get together once a year in the States; renew old friendships; fight the war over; have a voice in veterans’ affairs; and keep the 82nd and all that it stands for, alive forever. But now we see that you are moaning about your dues. You are letting a bunch of non-combatants run your veterans’ affairs. You are losing interest in you Chapter affairs. In general, you don’t seem to give a damn whether the Association folds or not.

You guys have come a long way; a long way and a far cry from the Town Pump and Cotton’s Fish Camp; from Biazzo Ridge and the Volturno; from St. Mere Eglise and the Waal; from Cheneaux and the Elbe; and now let me speak my little piece. I am speaking for more than three thousand members of the Division Association. We don’t have membership cards; we don’t get to Conventions; we don’t get Paraglides; once a year; we don’t have a voice in anything. But we do have seven Chapters over here. It’s only because your number never came up that you belong to one of the Chapters in the States. Our Chapter in Sicily has 206 members; Italy has 327; Normandy has 1,282; Holland has 658; Belgium and Germany combined have 745; and altogether our Membership over here totals 3,228. Can you guys tie this? You should top it by far.

Yes, I am plugging these Chapters that you are fast forgetting. So wake up, pay your dues, attend your Chapter meetings, and don’t forget that you have more “Members” and more “Chapters” in Europe than any outfit in the world. Don’t let anybody ever forget that we are over here.